• Pedro Rafael Barata
  • prtbarata@gmail.com
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domingo, 29 de dezembro de 2013

2980 - Casa Silva Gran Reserva Lolol Syrah 2009 (Tinto)

Região: Chile
Castas: Syrah
Produtor: Viña Casa Silva
Preço: Entre 12.5€ e 15€
Álcool: 14%
Enólogo: Mario Geisse
Notas de Prova: Apresenta uma cor rubi de tonalidade avermelhada, o nariz revela uma envolvência agradável de notas de fruta madura, alguma menta e diversas especiarias e compotas, com subtis nuances de barrica e um leve toque vegetal seco, na boca é um vinho fresco, com taninos polidos e um volume mediano, conta com um paladar frutado e especiado, formando um conjunto harmonioso e guloso, o final de boca tem um comprimento e uma persistência médios.

Classificação Pessoal: ......................................15.5
• Data da Prova: Março 2013

Rótulo: Over 100 years ago, the 1st generation of the Silva family pioneered Colchagua Valley, the region today producing Chile's finest premium wines. Today, the 4th and 5th generations fully own and run the winery and its land, making it the most family run Estate in the country. The Family's emphasis on terroir and attention to detail has seen Casa Silva become one of the most award winning and prestigious wineries in Chile. Accolades among many others include: 'Best South American Producer' at the International Wine and Spirit Competition, London 2000. This Syrah is from the Lolol Estate in the Southwetern corner of Colchagua Valley and close to the Pacific Ocean. A unique climate influenced by the Humbolt Current, where day time temperatures often reach 40ºC but fall to 10ºC at night. This Syrah, planted on slopes of largely sandy soil, has deep ruby colour, excellent structure and complexity with very pure fruit.

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